March 25, 2011

Day 8 March Break, New York and Washington 11th March - 20th March

Saturday 19th March - Day 8 Our Last Day :-( Washington

missing home!
Our walk this morning took us past the Australian
Embassy  ...ahhh :-) and we were able to get a
little closer to the White House this morning, I
presume it was a bit too early for any 'movement'
on a Saturday morning :-) It is the beginning of spring
over here and all the cherry blossoms around
Washington were just starting to come out.

A little closer to the White House today - with the beautiful cherry blossoms

The Holocaust Memorial Museum

 We spent the day at the amazing (is that even the
right word?) Holocaust Memorial Museum. I'm not
sure what else to say other than, if you are in
Washington this is well worth a visit. Extremely
moving and touching!

We headed back through the National Mall to see the Vietnam War Veterans Memorial. Quite a spectacular memorial with the light reflecting on in!  

Walking through the National Mall

In the National Mall

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial

The American Flag reflecting in the memorial

The Washington Monument reflecting in the memorial

Sadly March break has to end.  I loved every minute of New York and Washington and am so glad I have had the opportunity to go :-)  Flying back into Toronto we, not only flew over the Pentagon but also flew right over Niagara Falls, even though we were still quite high they look absolutely spectacular!

Niagara Falls from way, way above :-)

1 comment: said...

Sounds like a fun trip!
Anna :)