March 25, 2011

Day 7 March Break, New York and Washington 11th March - 20th March

Friday 18th March - Day 7 Washington

Inside the dome roof.
We got up early this morning and headed
to the Capitol so that we would hopefully
miss the queues for a tour of the Parliament
and to use our invitations to see the Senate
and House of Reps in action.  Unfortunately
neither the Senate or House of Reps were
sitting but we had a great chat to the security
police in the Senate!

In the Capitol - the 'middle' of Washington

The main foyer of Capitol

Flying home!
We caught the subway out to the Pentagon and
went to the Pentagon Memorial, which was
lovely.  You weren't allowed to take photos of
the Pentagon but it is the building in the
background ... oops!  and well we did fly
right over it when leaving .... oops! 

Each 'bench' represents a life lost on 9/1. You can see the new 'light' part of the pentagon

Heading back into Washington on the subway we stopped off at the Arlington National Cemetery, a military and historical cemetery set on 624 acres.  We saw the changing of the Guard at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, grave sights of President Kennedy and the Space Shuttle Challenger.

Arlington National Cemetry

Tomb of the unknown soldier

Iwo Jima Memorial

We also went to the Marine Corps, Iwo Jima Memorial
and saw the famous and very impressive statue!

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