March 24, 2011

Day 1 March Break, New York and Washington 11th March - 20th March

Friday 11th March - Flight from Toronto to NEW YORK - wooohooo!

So excited to be going to New York. 

Where do I start - I took over 900 photos this week so firstly I am going to have a hard time trying to select just a few to show you here and I have decided it is going to be easier to write a new post each day.
We flew out of Toronto, straight after school on Friday 11th March and excitedly arrived later that night in the Big Apple!

Saturday 12th March
We started out by orientating ourselves with New York by walking up 5th Avenue.  The Empire State Building wasn't too far from our hotel so we thought a view of the city first thing (and while the queue didn't seem so long) would be a great way to start!

5th Avenue
Looking downtown - towards the financial district

Views of the city from the Empire State Building

Looking uptown - you can just see Central Park behind the buildings

It gets a little windy up there!

The views from the Empire State building were spectacular and gave a great idea of the lay out of the city.  We then continued walking along 5th Avenue of course stopping in a all the shops... Tiffanys! It was nice just to look!  Even stopped at Grand Central Station, not only to see the magnificant building but to sample New York cheesecake from the famous Magnolia Bakery! Yummy!

Grand Central Station

I didn't eat both  ... possibly could have!

Central Park is a beautiful (and really with being winter and the trees having no leaves the pictures just don't show have lovely it was) and walking this massive park in the middle of such a crazy busy city was just lovely.  There really is something about it!

Wandering through Central Park

Even spectacular in winter!

Right in the middle of the city!

Walking along Broadway!

We head back towards the hotel via Broadway - what a buzz!
One amazing city with so much going on!

As it was such a lovely afternoon we headed up the Rockefeller Building - 'Top of the Rock' for more amazing views of the city! We had timed it perfectly with the sun setting while we were up there!  So amazing - have I already said that :-)

Emma, Ingrid and I on 'Top of the Rock'

Looking towards the Empire State Building and downtown

Central Park and uptown

The sun setting over the city

Just beautiful when all the lights come on

Central Park lit up!

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