June 4, 2011

Victoria Long Weekend in Montreal - 21st - 23rd May 2011

Another long weekend, many thanks to Queen Victoria for this one :-) saw Emma and I heading out to Montreal.  I had to make a quick dash into Toronto straight after school, only just making it for the 5pm bus :-Z  The 6 1/2hr trip saw us arrive into Montreal just before midnight!  Being seasoned travellers we negotiated the subway and checked into our youth hostel to rest for the long :-) weekend ahead.  

Saturday 21st May 
Up early we headed out to make the most of the sunshine, with the recent rain we have had and that rain was also forecast over the weekend, our first plan was to walk up Mount Royal Park.   Walking through the streets the signs of spring were everywhere and just beautiful :-) 

Stunning tulips

Beautiful blossoms

A lookout in the park has panoramic views of the city ... the only thing was getting up there :-) Well worth the hike!  

Walking through the park

 Montreal City

Emma and I on top of Montreal

I just couldn't stop taking pics! 

 A long way up!

A well deserved lunch was needed after all that hiking and what else but a real Canadian feast of fries, cheese curd and gravy :-)   We found 'the best' Poutine restaurant in Montreal and treated ourselves to 'fancy' poutine with added capsicum, onion and mushrooms - delicious :-)

Yummy Poutine! 

The afternoon was spent wandering the vibrant streets, through all of Montreal's different 'districts' until we finally collapsed in bed later that night!

The Latin Quarter

Notre-Dame Basilica
(Celine Dion got married here)

Old Town

A cool glass building in Downtown

Old Town

Place Jacques Cartier

Sunday 22nd May
After covering most of the city yesterday we started with a relaxing breakfast of eggs benedict at 'eggspectation' - yum :-)  We then headed down through Old Town to stroll along the waterfront - not quite Sydney Harbour :-)  We caught the subway back up to Mount Royal Park where every Sunday afternoon hundreds of people gather in the park for 'Tam Tam Sunday', spontaneous drum rhythms and dancing.  It was really quite ......... interesting, so loud and crazy!
We stopped off for a late lunch of freshly made bagels - umm! at 'the best' bagel place in Montreal!
That night we had dinner and drinks at 'the best' Jazz bar in Montreal - which was just wonderful. A couple of amazing Jazz bands from both Montreal and Toronto played throughout the night.  Such a great atmosphere.

Relaxing on the waterfront, Montreal city behind

The Waterfront 
Heading to 'Tam Tam Sundays' in the park

Hundreds of people playing drums and dancing

A variety of interesting people ...

and whiffs of 'wacky tabaccy' :-) Ha! 

It was hard not to tap along.

Great for people watching

Monday 23rd May
Before heading to the bus station for the long ride back to Toronto, we once again started the day with a very Montreal thing to do - brunch. Today I went for the pancakes :-)  We also couldn't go home without a spot of shopping in Downtown.

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