June 22, 2011

Niagara-on-the-Lake 19th - 20th June 2011

Emma and I headed down to Niagara-on-the-Lake for a weekend of cycling amongst the wineries.  Although there is nothing like starting the weekend off with a parking fine :-Z  I drove down to Emma's Friday night, staying at her place in Toronto so that we could get an early start for the 2 hour drive down to Niagara Saturday morning.  We thought nothing of parking out the front of her place but unfortunately you need a permit to park in residental streets in Toronto .. oops!

Saturday 19th June
After an early start we arrived in Niagara at 10am, we parked outside our beautiful B&B ... making sure we were allowed to :-)  Our B&B owner told us about the strawberry festival happening in town .... so we knew where to start!  The festival was wonderful, so much strawberry goodness!  Pies, jams, crepes and frozen yoghurt all being freshly made right there, so of course we had to try it all.  Yummy!

Strawberry Pie
(made right there as you ordered them)

Making strawberry jam - as you buy it 
All the yummy jam! 

Having to sample the pie and crepes
more strawberry goodness :-)

After filling up with yummy strawberries we cycled into the town of Niagara-on-the-lake (which is just north of Niagara falls)  The town is picture postcard, just so beautiful and perfect.  We managed to get free tickets to the Shaw Festivals Theatre production, 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' so spent the afternoon around the town.  Shopping along the main street, a lovely lunch (yes more eating, even after all those strawberries) and cycling out to and along the river.

At the Niagara river - that is the US over there

Niagara-on-the-Lake main street


Sunday 20th June
Up early, as breakfast was served promptly at 8am in the B&B (so much food ... even chicken nuggets:-) before heading out for a day of cycling through the wineries and along the Niagara Parkway trail.  It was such a beautiful day and so relaxing!  The Niagara Parkway trail goes along the Niagara river, heading towards Niagara falls  and was just spectacular, so picturesque ... and the wineries, well!  

Cycling around Niagara-on-the-lake

Cycling past the wineries

What a great seat :-) 

Cycling along the river - bridge to the US

Stopping to refuel.
Keeping up the fluids Mum :-)

Loving it !

June 5, 2011

Canada in Spring

I have never realised just how beautiful spring can be!  After the cold and snow of winter, when spring comes it is just delightful.  Here are a few of the pictures I have taken as I was able to start getting out and about in the sunshine :-) The amazing colours and the flowers everywhere were just wonderful.

Early Spring - just as the weather gets warmer and the new growth starts to appear. 

A trail near by house

A perfect day!

Just out cycling

See this shot again in a few weeks below! 

All the green just starting to appear

I went back out cycling the trails a few weeks later - check out the difference!  I have never seen so many different shades of green, just spectacular!

So lush and green

So pretty!

I love green! 

The same shot as the one above,
such a difference!

Canada Geese! The National Bird

Here are some other shots I've taken while I've been out and about enjoying the spring sun!

A lovely lily pond! 

He was making loads of noise! 

Just too cute :-) 

Aurora had a street festival this weekend - it was a lovely day to wander around!

Main Street Aurora

Grade 8 School Trip - Ottawa 25th - 27th May 2011

Wednesday 25th May
Well there has to be some advantages of teaching this age group :-)  I headed back to Ottawa on a bus with 60 excited grade 8 students.  I was just as excited to be heading back to Ottawa, having already been in the middle of winter when it was freezing and covered in snow, I couldn't wait to see it during a different season!

Grade 8 in front of Parliament House

Grade 8

We left school just before 8am and really had a quiet drive to the capital city, maybe the ipod helped :-).  Our first stop was the Canadian War Museum.  Fascintating displays (well I thought so, not so much the kids :-)  seemed to wind there ways through life size trenches.  Even Hitlers actual car is part of the exhibit - just incredible.

Walking through trenches

Hitler's car

Tomb of the unknown soldier
At 11am on the 11th day of the 11th Month
The sun shines in and directly hit the tomb stone!

We then made our to Parliament Hill for a tour of the Political Buildings. Last time I was here it was so so so cold that we didn't want to even take our gloves off to take photos. I was glad I was going to get a chance to go inside, and what a stunning building it. 

Parliament without all the snow

Peace Tower 

House of Commons

Inside Parliament House

Parliamentary Library

Parliamentary Offices

The Senate

After dinner in Byward Market we went on a ghost walk through the city.  It was such a lovely evening and I got another chance to see the Rideau Canal, last time I was here I skated on it :-)

Byward market

Byward market

Rideau Canal - I skated down there :-)

Sunset over the canal

I love spring :-)

Thursday 26th May
We headed back to Parliament Hill where I was able to leave the group for a moment and race up Peace Tower for lovely views over the city.  It wasn't such a nice day today, with rain and clouds but still it was wonderful to see the city from above.  
The kids were then given free time to buy lunch and go shopping in byward market - I love these kinds of school trips :-) Also the school hires tour guides and security guards at night so the teachers are really just along for the ride - I will be bringing these suggestions back to HSPS :-) That meant that I also had some time to be a tourist again in Byward market!  

Ottawa River

Parliament Library and Ottawa River

The city

National Gallery and Rideau Canal entrance

Parliament Library

Inukshuk :-)

Byward Market

Byward market

After lunch we had a tour of the National Gallery - such an awesome building, it was great to be able to go back inside.

The entrance to the National Gallery
Peace Tower in the window! 

View of the Parliament Buildings
from the National Gallery

The National Gallery

Friday 27th May
We had a busy morning before heading back to school this afternoon.  We started the morning at the Museum of Civilization - just a spectacular Museum, you could easily spend most the day here - we did last time :-)   We also had a tour of the Supreme Courts, which was also interesting.

We arrived back at school 7pm that evening - one relaxing and restful weekend was in order :-)

Main Hall - Museum of Civilization

The roof of the Museum - wow

Inside the Supreme Courts

The Supreme Courts