April 25, 2011

Elmvale Maple Syrup Festival April 16th 2011

Saturday 16th April
Emma and I headed north to the little town of Elmvale for the very yummy maple syrup festival.  Elmvale is about an hours north of Aurora.  Unfortunately it was raining and super cold - we even had some late April snow on the Sunday! Due to the rain many of the festival events and stalls weren't set up or closed early.  That didn't deter us and we had a great day eating pancakes with of course maple syrup for lunch, sampled maple fudge and chocolate, bought maple syrup and maple butter ... and of course some fudge and chocolate :-)

We even went out to the 'sugar bush', farms that tap maple trees to see how it is done! and of course that meant more sampling :-)   Little 'taps' are inserted in the maple trees and as the maple sap drips from the taps either a bucket collects it or a more modern way is a hose pipe connecting all the trees vacuums sucks the sap right into the shed where it is all collected and boiled and boiled into delicious maple syrup!

The pancake house for lunch

Main street - Elmvale Maple syrup festival

The 'sugar bush'

Tapping the maple trees

Making maple syrup


The maple trees being 'tapped' the modern way!

Tapping the maple trees

Riding the horse and buggy through the sugar bush

Sunday 17th April
Emma stayed with me in Aurora over the weekend!  Due to the surprising spring snow fall and chilly weather we decided to head out to the factory outlets near by!  We headed north to Cookstown and south to Vaughan Mills factory outlet shopping centres.  I am now an expert right side snow driver :-)

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