February 2, 2011

Snow Day - 2nd February

Yay! A snow day :-)  I got to experience an "official" snow day, where school buses are canceled because of the dangerous conditions so kids don't have to go to school - but teachers are still expected to be there, you can go to your nearest local school if you can't make it to your own school.  Luckily another teacher was kind enough to come and pick me up as I certainly wasn't about to drive in it. It wasn't quite the 30cm expected but still enough to be dangerous to be out in and with the wind blowing it everywhere.  Made for one very pretty day though, I think I was the only person who voluntarily went out to the playground at lunch time today :-)

I had about 8 students show up to school :-) So we put classes together and took turn at covering the students and then had extra prep time!  A great day, bring on more snow days I say :-)  Now I just need to find a nice young man who will shovel my driveway!!!!

Walking out my front door this morning

The front of the house

My street this morning

In the playground at lunch on a snow day!

Just because it is pretty :-)

Driving to work :-Z

Shoveling is bloody hard work after a snow storm :-)

This has piled up by the driveway since I have arrived

After an hour of shoveling you can see the driveway

Not going anywhere this afternoon! 

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