October 24, 2011

TIFF 10th - 11th September

The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) had the city abuzz with celebrities. Not ones to want to miss out on a day of celebrity spotting ..... ok stalking, Emma and I staked out all the known 'hotspots' hoping for a glance .... ok well a hug or even a kiss from Brad, Ryan, George, Josh, Bono, Matt  .... they were all here and we were going to stop at nothing to find one!  As you will see we weren't disappointed :-) :-)

A celeb favourite hangout
Wanda's - the yummiest pies!
Well we just had to see if anyone was there :-) 

We don't look like stalkers at all! 

Our only celebrity sighting :-) 

We even waited outside hotels
I wonder who it is??

There is movement ...! 

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