October 4, 2011

Quebec 11th - 13th August 2011

I couldn't resist heading back to Quebec City with Mum and Dad.  I had visited during February for Winter Carnivale and really wanted to go back in summer!  Quebec shows such a different aspect of Canada, it has the old town and with the french speaking residents it is such a vibrant and exciting place to roam around.

St. Lawrence River - this was frozen
over in February! 

The boardwalk infront of the
Chateau Frontenac

The old town

Walking the quaint streets

This is where the ice castle was! 

Enjoying wandering the streets

Cirque du Soleil, which originated in Canada have a free (well unless you purchase a seat for $15 instead of standing up :-) show every night during summer. And as expected the show was amazing ... well worth sitting for :-)

I thought I wanted to be
able to do this one day  - wall running!

...  until I saw this - jumping so high
from a basic see-saw

... then I saw THIS!  - amazing trampoline jumping
then running up the wall

They are so incredibly talented!

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