September 3, 2011

Whale Watching - Juneau 12th July 2011

While I was in Juneau I had prebooked a whale watching trip - and wow.  Not only were we cruising through some of the most amazing scenery we were surprised to be able to see 14 humpback whale 'bubble-net' feeding.  Words can just not describe how incredible it was.  Bubble-net feeding involves one of the whales diving deep and circling the fish while blowing bubbles, which traps and confuses the fish. Meanwhile the other whales have dived deep and rush up with mouths open catching all the stunned fish!  It was truely amazing to watch.  We knew when to get our cameras ready as the seagulls flying over head went crazy!  Circling around like crazy and diving into the water as well, trying to also get some fish.  How lucky was I, a truely magical day!

Our first whale sighting! A mother and calf. 

Diving down.

Look at the scenery!

Absolutely amazing!

A another pod of 14 whales!

Cruising along the coast feeding

Eagles flying by!

Feeding Frenzy!

Getting their fishy fill.

Heading down for a dive again!

More feeding.

Still feeding

It was just amazing to see. 

Sealions just hanging about

Look at that - sealions and glaciers! WOW!

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