January 28, 2011

I've arrived! My first few weeks, 4th - 21st January

I can't believe I have been in Canada 3 weeks already!  So much has happened and so much to get used to.  The cold ...well actually freezing temperatures for one, last weekend records temperatures were set! Welcome to Canada Belinda :-)  It got down to -22 last Sunday with a wind chill of -33oC .. bloody cold and there's no other way to describe it!  Listening to the radio in the morning there was a mention to 'bundle' (rug) up as skin exposed in those temperatures would only take 10mins to get serious frost bite! No amount of layer helped and I froze!

I flew out of Sydney on the 4th January flying Korean Air through Seoul, no matter which way you go it was one hell of a long flight - 26 long hours!  I finally arrived after 2 hours through customs and immigration to snow falling.  Kelly my exchange partner picked me up and I headed to my new home for the next 12 months.

I had a 5 days to settle in before I started school.  Those first few days were getting over the jet lag, trying to organise myself and settle in.  I set myself up in my new house and took a wander around the local area - snow flurries permitting :-) I learned a few good lessons on those early walks - one MUST take gloves and a beanie with them when out walking in the snow!  I even found snow shoveling fun those first few days, keen and eager to get it done ... I'm not so enthusiastic any more!  I did also experience snow shoveling envy as I watched the neighbours be able to clear and clean so much more of their driveways!

It took a few days to feel settled - unpacking my things into someone elses wardrobe was weird especially knowing it is going to be for sometime.  Skype has been wonderful in being able to keep in contact with family and friends helping it not seem as far as it is to be away from you all. But this is home for now, I'm really enjoying it so far and am looking forward to the adventures to be had!

 My new home! Look at my snow covered front garden :-)

 My footprints in the snow on my front garden
(Yes there is grass under there)

The down pipe dripping

My snow shoveling efforts, even with the snow falling!

Look at the pile of shoveled snow next to the driveway!

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