January 29, 2011

Toronto weekend. 21st - 23rd January

The Canadian Exchange Foundation (CLEE) put on a welcome weekend in Toronto for all the exchange teachers. Emma an exchange teacher from Canberra kindly let Ingrid (from Port Macquarie) and I stay with her over the weekend, she is living and teaching in Toronto.  I caught the bus from Aurora Friday night and met up with the girls and headed straight to the welcome reception, where we got to meet up with other Aussies and talk about all the things planned.  On the Saturday they held a conference for us, where we heard all the important information about living and teaching here. Skiing at Dagmar Ski slopes (about an hour?) out of Toronto was organised for Saturday evening.  As you can see by the photos below - we had a ball.  I wasn't too bad either (having had lessons previously) I was able to confidently get down 'green' runs without making a fool of myself. 
Ingrid and I spent the Sunday with Emma wandering around Toronto (in the bloody cold) after sleep in and a yummy omelet, fries and bacon brunch (just what you need after a nights skiing) followed by a muffin and chai latte! We spent the day shopping searching for coats and jackets - we are heading to Quebec next weekend where it gets much colder!
Night skiing at Dagmar in the coldest temperatures ever! -22oC with a wind chill of -33oC

When it all gets a little too cold :-) Even in the bar I wasn't taking the layers off!

Making it down the 'green' runs with style

Having to 'scrape' the car upon return :-Z


Carolyn Heffernan said...

Hey. Sounds like you are having a blast! Miss you lots!

Anonymous said...

I would be dead in those temperatures.... Almost happy suffering the 42 degrees!!!!! Glad ur having fun, thinking of you. xxx

Anonymous said...

PS Im annon until I figure this out??? Leanne x