February 12, 2011

Carnivale in Quebec City 4th - 6th February

The Canadian Exchange League organised a long weekend in Quebec City for the winter carnivale.  We left Toronto Thursday night, driving approx 9 hours and trying to get some sleep on the bus - one long night but so worth it!
Friday 4th February
Our first stop was Montmorency Falls just outside of Quebec city.  A spectacular waterfall with great views, especially in winter with all the snow and ice surrounding it. 

Montmorency Falls

The view from the top of the falls

Emma, Ingrid and I walking over the falls

The afternoon was spent wandering around Quebec city after getting ourselves all 'bundled' up and ready for the cold - I have worked out how many layers are required! Quebec can be cold and we were told to dress for it .....  thermal tights, thermal long johns and then ski pants keeps you nice and toasty :-) The weather was wonderful all weekend, very mild (still minus temps!!) and with all the layers I had on, apart from getting absolutely exhausted from carrying so much weight I also got hot!

Quebec has a wonderful European feel, they speak French so I was lost most of the time :-) and it was really quite amazing just how French it is! The city is divided in old town and new town and it was wonderful to just wander the streets.

This weekend was the middle weekend of the 2 week winterlude festival.  A carnival celebrating all things winter, with amazing snow and ice carvings, tobbogan rides, snow slides, and lots of people.  Oh and the food .... maple pie .... maple butter!

Over looking the Winterlude Carnival

Winterlude - The Ice Castle

Walking around the Ice Castle - trust me you need the beanie!

Walking through the streets of old town

From the lower town looking up at the Le Chateau Frontenac Hotel

Joinin g in the winterlude fun -
Riding the tube down the hill :-)

Quebec city is on the St Lawrence River, we caught the 'ice breaker' ferry across the river not only for the spectacular views of the city itself but to watch it break the ice - amazing!

Looking over the ferry watching it break the ice.

The St Lawrence River, looking across to Levis


Breaking the ice!

Saturday 5th February
We started the morning heading out of the city to visit the Ice Hotel - wow!  A hotel built out of only ice.  It lasts for only 3 months of the year and even has a chapel for weddings.  Just spectacular!

 The afternoon again was spent wandering through the city and having fun at the winterlude carnival. 

Entering the Ice Hotel

The bar! How cool ... literally!

One of the rooms you can stay in. They do provide you with sleeping bags!

One needed to sample a drink from the ice glasses!

They weren't all mine! Maple Whiskey and Caribou

The Chapel



One of the many amazing snow sculptures at Winterlude

Another amazing snow sculpture
A massive ice carousel

Enjoying the concert and fireworks

Ice skating at night in Quebec - I didn't ice skate it was just beautiful

Walking home in the snow .... after a drink or two at St Patricks Pub!

Sunday 6th February
Unfortunately our weekend had to end, Sunday was spent on the bus traveling back to Toronto.  There was still fun to be had in the snow and a quick lunch stop in Montreal.

The perfect rest stop

Belinda goes off to find the best angle for the pictures and gets a little stuck

The perfect spot for a snow angel


Ready for a snow dive

up .. up ...

and away ...

disappearing into the snow! So much fun!

February 2, 2011

Snow Day - 2nd February

Yay! A snow day :-)  I got to experience an "official" snow day, where school buses are canceled because of the dangerous conditions so kids don't have to go to school - but teachers are still expected to be there, you can go to your nearest local school if you can't make it to your own school.  Luckily another teacher was kind enough to come and pick me up as I certainly wasn't about to drive in it. It wasn't quite the 30cm expected but still enough to be dangerous to be out in and with the wind blowing it everywhere.  Made for one very pretty day though, I think I was the only person who voluntarily went out to the playground at lunch time today :-)

I had about 8 students show up to school :-) So we put classes together and took turn at covering the students and then had extra prep time!  A great day, bring on more snow days I say :-)  Now I just need to find a nice young man who will shovel my driveway!!!!

Walking out my front door this morning

The front of the house

My street this morning

In the playground at lunch on a snow day!

Just because it is pretty :-)

Driving to work :-Z

Shoveling is bloody hard work after a snow storm :-)

This has piled up by the driveway since I have arrived

After an hour of shoveling you can see the driveway

Not going anywhere this afternoon! 

February 1, 2011

Australia Day - 26th January

Happy Australia Day!

Sadly no public holiday for me, so to celebrate Australia Day I took lamingtons and vegemite sandwiches to school for the staff - The lamingtons were an absolute hit (who said I can't cook) and well the vegemite sandwiches weren't disliked completely but weren't loved either. I will admit to starting my day with vegemite on toast followed by a lamington with my cup of tea ... yes for breakfast! (I needed to make sure they were still ok to take to work :-)

That night I headed into downtown Toronto to meet up with Emma for dinner and drinks to celebrate!  We found ourselves at a great pub/ restaurant called Jack Astors where we had a wonderful steak, washed down with a lovely Canadian beer!  Funnily enough our waitress was Australian and just as excited as we were, she was so great and gave us complimentary mud cake for dessert ... complete with sparklers to celebrate.

A great way to spend Australia day when you're far from home!

Getting all patriotic :-)

Emma and I waiting for our steaks.... with a good Canadian beer!

Our Australian waitress gave us complimentary dessert, complete with sparklers to celebrate!

How good do my lamingtons look - believe me they tasted just as good :-)